Special Constables in Merseyside have been literally working above and beyond the call of duty to play their part in the national effort to protect the public from coronavirus.
With Specials requested to work 16 hours each month, many have stepped up their hours to work far more and the 115 operational Specials in Merseyside have averaged 51 hours per month since restrictions were brought in on .
Special Chief Officer Dave Lyons said:
“Our Specials work tirelessly in our communities at the best of times, and last year they gave 90,922 hours. But their work in recent weeks has been absolutely crucial as the Force meets the challenge coronavirus has presented the whole country.

“It is a testament to their outstanding effort and commitment that they have completed more than three times the hours we ask of them.
“Some of our Specials have been furloughed from their day jobs, and like many people have uncertainty around their situations at home. But they have stepped up to the plate to make sure our communities are protected, and all other key workers can get on with their jobs, and we are so grateful for their dedication.
“Most of the work completed by Specials since the beginning of restrictions has been on deployments to engage with the public around coronavirus legislation, encouraging those people out and about to observe the restrictions and explaining why it is so important they are followed.
“But they have also helped making enquiries following serious violent crime and other investigations, responding to emergencies and helping with community patrols, helping our regular officers keep the streets of Merseyside a safe place to live work and visit. In total, their assistance has equated to the work of 37 full time officers.”
Chief Officer Lyons added:
“Here in Merseyside in recent years we have increased our recruitment of Specials against a national downward trend in Specials numbers.
“We continue to work with our individual Specials to ensure we can learn from each other, so much so that 41% of our operational Specials can patrol independently and have driving courses to make them more effective and able to be deployed on their own.”
Keep up to date with the latest information regarding the Special Constabulary in Merseyside by following @MerseySpecials on Twitter.
If you are interested in becoming a Special Constable visit the Merseyside Police website at www.merseyside.police.uk #joinus #volunteering