With statistics showing a high increase in mental health since the pandemic, it is more important than ever for vital support to be available, something charity and community group Run Talk Run (RTR) are taking in their stride.
The mental health peer support running group offers weekly 5K jogs across the northwest and the UK, with the aims to create a non-judgemental space for people to share how they are feeling with like-minded others.
The event takes place every Wednesday from 7.00pm until 8.00pm, with the starting point at the Museum of Liverpool by the Lambananas.
The jog allows participants to talk about how they are doing in a non-pressure environment, or if you fancy meeting up with local people and enjoy a run and general chat the event is the perfect setting.

Run Talk Run is for runners of all paces in all headspaces, even if you are just starting out with your running, the group will always run at a pace that is comfortable for all that are involved.
Measures to take part in the run include:
- If you have experienced any covid symptoms within the last few weeks you must not attend the event.
- If you are high-risk participant, please do not attend.
- Follow all hygiene guidance IE Washing your hands
- Ensure you have enough hydration for the session.
- Be aware that changing facilities and toilets may not be open
- You must remain 1m apart from other participants and members of the public

The group is a mental health support group first, and a running group second, therefore the classes are a non-competitive workout and are held for the conversation and to connect with the community.
If participants have to walk during parts of the route, the team will ensure runners loop back around the group, so no one is left behind.
Run Talk Run is an inclusive, welcoming, safe and confident space with support at the forefront. All runs are FREE to attend.
For further information follow @runtalkrunliverpool