In the seventh edition in our Scousers Abroad series we spoke to James Doig, 26, who now lives in New York, the most populous city in the United States.

What area of Liverpool are you previously from?
I grew up in Woolton, Liverpool. I went to SFX secondary school.
What made you choose to move overseas and what made you choose your current location?
I moved over to the United States at 18 to undergo a football scholarship at Quinnipiac University (Hamden, Connecticut). Upon graduation with my undergrad in communications and masters in Interactive Digital Media, I moved to New York. The reason I chose the bustling New York is because it is the hub for my recently launched business, Social Scousers. Of course I used Scousers in my business name. Why? Well it’s a strength. When clients ask about what a Scousers is it gives me the opportunity to sell myself and our cities common characteristics. Hard working, Perseverance, committed (.. on and on).
How long ago did you leave Liverpool?
I moved to the US at 18 in 2013. I have been here about 8 years. Having said that, I wouldn’t say I left. It scares me slightly to think that. I always want to be from Liverpool.
I should also state that since launching Social Scousers here in New York, the support from Liverpool and fellow-scousers has been nothing short of overwhelming. I really do appreciate it.
What do you miss most about the city?
The people. The culture. The general atmosphere. The grit and determination from the City. From a young age I was lucky enough to travel around Europe playing football. Since moving to the States, I have been lucky enough once again to use football as a vehicle to travel around from state to state. There is nowhere that comes close to our great city.
If you could describe Liverpool in 3 words to the people of where you live now what would they be?
When people ask where I’m from in the United States, I instantly reply Liverpool. Many non-Scousers respond with the country, such as England. But not us. We are extremely proud of where we come from and who we are. To pick 3 words is a tough task. I already mentioned a few above. I could talk all day with endless superlatives of our great city. Since the question needs to be answered, I’d say: Prideful. Confident. Welcoming.
Would you ever move back to Liverpool?
Yes. As mentioned in an earlier question, I have never considered myself to have moved away. I visit several times a year and I am currently working to progress Social Scousers to be global! No matter where I go, and what I do, I will always be a Scouser and the business name is something that is so important in my business operations.
If you could bring a piece of Liverpool with you to your current location what would it be?
Other than family, friends, and the people of Liverpool, If I could bring one piece of Liverpool to New York it would have to be the football culture. As a big Red myself, I miss going the game, talking football with everyone, and the passion behind it.
You can find me and the business on Instagram: @Social__Scousers – please reach out and connect!
Do you or someone you know who is a scouser that has moved abroad and want to feature in our Scousers Abroad series? Contact us now by emailing or get us on WhatsApp on 07568 532 537