Ten years on from Liverpool being named European Capital of Culture 2008. Our wonderful city has now been named in the top 40 holiday destinations to visit in 2018!
The top 40 holiday destinations in the world was named in The Guardian’s hotlist. 2018 promises to be a special year for our city.
Be prepared to be a part of a year-long programme of Culture, Musical and Sporting events, to mark how much the city has transformed in the past 10 years and what to expect for the future.
To celebrate, the City will be staging ‘Eighteen for 18’ which will include exhibitions, events and performances throughout the calendar year. The full list is still to be announced, so for now here’s some of the amazing events to expect:
Chinese New Year 2018
China’s first Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors
Feast of Fire
Three Festivals Tall Ships Regatta
The Feis Liverpool
Clipper round the World Yacht Race
Africa Oye
Visit our what’s on in Liverpool guide for further information on these and other events in Liverpool.