Martin Stilwell will be treading the paths while clocking miles on Saturday 20th February, all in aid of raising vital funds for community favourite, The Florrie.
Set to run a lockdown half marathon around the streets of Liverpool with his friend Tom Coupe, the social distanced event has seen the gofundme page already exceed its starting target.

Martin says: “I think everyone has found the lockdown really tough, however I’ve been incredibly lucky – I haven’t got sick, I haven’t been furloughed. I’ve been able work from home and still get paid my full wage the whole time. I know there are a lot of people worse off than me.”
“That said, it has been hard sometimes, and I’ve suffered from depression in the past. So, I’ve really made a conscious effort to keep moving and exercising. I started running back in March, a few miles here and there. I’ve now built up to half marathon level and I really enjoy it. My mate Tom runs ultra-marathons, so he’s been great pushing me along.”
With The Florrie located in Martin’s local area, he previously visited the venue for art exhibitions and music related events but was made more aware in the past year of the work they contribute to the local community.
Martin continues: “They have been organising food parcels and driving them round to those in need. They have also really raised people’s spirits with the Halloween decorations and the free Santa’s grotto outside. I have 5-year-old son called Patrick. He was completely over the moon to go in and see all the lights and decorations at Christmas. The Florrie is run almost entirely by volunteers.”
With the original plan to raise a few hundred pounds for The Florrie, the gofundme has hit double with over £450 raised so far.
Any donations made will help support The Florrie to continue their inspiring work in the local community.
To make a donation visit:
To find out more about the work The Florrie do visit