Boxing will forever be known as a traditional community sport, bringing people of all walks of life together. Testing your limits while challenging you mentally and physically, its fair to say boxing clubs keep things real while retaining that bit of soul along the way.
One boxing club in particular that has mastered its uniqueness even after its recent refurb, is local Kirkdale ABC Boxing Club.
Priding themselves on 40 years of experience, the team behind the scenes are not only producing future champions, but also supporting the community especially when unprecedented times hit hard.

Kirkdale ABC which provides boxing and fitness classes, recently finished a monumental refurbishment stripping back to bare brick, restoring the gym back to its former glory.
Showing its support to locals of the city, over the past 5 years the venue has hosted annual Easter/Summer fairs, fundays and one of their biggest projects supplying 100 food parcels/shopping bags during the Christmas period including Christmas dinner on the day.
Prior to the pandemic the club were aware the situation would make local residents vulnerable and people began to talk with ideas to help. Head coach Paul Davis spoke with Brendan Wyatt of Transalpino (Lifelong member and Sponsor) with ideas to raise funds and put something in place to look after vulnerable members of the community.

Coach Ste Harkin discussed ideas with Colin McKeown MBE from LA Productions (who owns the building & has looked after the club for 20 years) to start a food bank and kickstarted the project with a large donation.
Club secretary and Coach Gary Greenwood got in touch with Charlotte from Maverick Stars Trust, who runs a nationwide project to deliver hot meals to vulnerable people through boxing clubs up and down the country.
With everyone being aware of what was to come and lots of ideas in place there is no wonder the project has been successful, especially with the effort and time invested into the project from people around the club.

The Boxing off Lockdown Team includes Head coach Paul Davis, Coach JJ Cunningham & Lifelong member Luke Davis who look after things at the gym ordering food, buying shopping, organising who/ were meals go to, preparing food/shopping bags & naming and addressing them for drivers.
Coach Ste Harkin, lifelong members Brendan Wyyatt and Joe Ellis have been delivering 90+ meal packs/shopping bags daily to local vulnerable residents.
The project is now into its 7th week, with the running of the campaign costing over £10,000.
The team said:
“This wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for the unbelievable support from our community & sponsors.
We would like to say a massive thank you to Everkool, Transalpino, Spartan Management, LA Productions, Angel Revive, Mavericks Star Trust, Adevia Construction, Slaughter House, D.N.E ltd, The Sandon & Local Councillor Joe Hanson.”
To show support people can donate by bank transfer or cash via Kirkdale Boxing Club & Transalpino
Kirkdale Boxing Club
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