Tom Beevers, the oldest participant of Everton in the Community, was honoured as a hero at Goodison Park on his 105th birthday.
Tom, an Everton Veterans’ Hub participant and Evertonian, was given a complimentary breakfast at Goodison Park to commemorate his 105th birthday, and was greeted with a rousing welcome from Royal Tank Regiment veterans and Everton and Everton in the Community personnel.

Tom, who fought in the British Army’s 7th Armoured Division, also received a signed Everton shirt with the number 105 on the back before dining with his family in an executive box suite in the Park End stand.
Tom’s regiment, also known as the renowned Desert Rats, saw action in North Africa during WWII. Tom joined the charity’s Everton Veterans’ Hub in 2018, which uses a variety of engagement techniques, support mechanisms, and evidence-based behavioural change methods to enhance the lives of veterans and their families who are at risk of isolation and poor mental health.
Tom has received further support and help from the Club in the form of general home maintenance, allowing him to adapt his property to his changing circumstances, in addition to being supported by the Club’s official charity.
Everton Veterans’ Hub programme manager Dave Curtis, a former veteran himself, joined Tom and his family at Goodison Park and expressed his admiration for the Everton-supporting great-great-Grandfather.
Dave said:
“It has been a real privilege to be with Tom and his family as he marks his 105th birthday. Since engaging with us four years ago, Tom has become a much-loved member, and probably one of our most famous participants here at Everton in the Community.”
Lynn Davidson, Tom’s daughter added: “Tom’s birthday is always a special day for us; to celebrate it at Goodison surrounded by family with a delicious meal makes it that even more special, and the reception we received on arrival was incredibly moving!”