With record numbers converging in Warrington Town Centre to commence the festive celebrations, the town was turned into a mystical Christmas wonderland.
Over the last weekend in November, Warrington’s Weekend Wonderland drew an estimated 63,000 visitors, surpassing the 60,000 who attended the previous year.

The two-day event, which Warrington Business Improvement District (BID) organized in collaboration with Warrington Borough Council and Culture Warrington, gave the town an early Christmas boost as thousands of people participated in the variety of festivities.
Independent street markets, funfairs, workshops, street performers, musical acts, a Christmas parade, and an amazing light show showcasing Warrington’s history projected onto the town hall were all part of the exciting events leading up to Christmas.
Amy Dawber, Warrington BID Manager, said:
“What an amazing weekend for Warrington. It was incredible to see so many people in our town centre and the wonderful feedback received not just from visitors but from businesses has been truly overwhelming.
“I’ve never seen the town so busy, and it makes all the hard work and planning throughout the year worthwhile. Bringing some festive magic to our great town is something I will never, ever tire of.”
A multitude of choirs performed in Golden Square, creating the ideal musical backdrop, and Father Christmas was present to greet the many visitors to the town with a festive greeting. Along with meeting the Grinch and participating in free craft workshops, kids could also enjoy the return of Culture Warrington’s at No. 25 Christmas Installation and the Snow Queen’s snow globe greetings.
The streets of the town centre were lined with more than seventy separate Christmas stalls. Co-owner Janine Calvert of the family-run company Beau Pens, which sells handmade pens, razors and makeup brushes, commended the Warrington community for their hospitality at their Golden Square stall.
Janine said:
“We travel up and down the UK doing fairs and markets, but Warrington is up there with the best.
“The Weekend Wonderland was fantastic; it was very busy and a lot of people bought our fountain pens – the carol singing was beautiful and the Christmas spirit was lovely. We absolutely love Warrington.”
The main event of Weekend Wonderland revolved around the street parade, which Katumba Drummers and Warrington Mayor Cllr. Steve Wright led as they led sizable crowds toward the town hall for the final showcase.
During the event, the parade’s centre was Palmyra Square South’s Vandal Bar and Kitchen. The parade route, according to general manager Michael Butler, increased foot traffic to the establishment by 15%.
He said:
“The Weekend Wonderland was great, we were really busy anyway, but the parade gave us a huge boost. When the parade came by, everyone in here was stood up at the windows looking out, it was fantastic.”
The celebrations came to an end with a spectacular light and sound show that spanned the front of the town hall building and told a festive story celebrating Christmas and the New Year.
Andrea Morley, Commercial & BIDs Manager, said:
“From the moment people stepped foot into Warrington town centre, they were given a true Warringtonian welcome, the Christmas spirit was truly magical.
“I am incredibly proud of our town and we are currently collating a range of feedback so we can look at future plans for next year’s spectacle.”
In order to plan and execute upcoming events in the town, Warrington BID will keep collaborating with Warrington Borough Council, Culture Warrington, and Independent Street Markets. Go to the following website to learn more about forthcoming events in Warrington here.
Photo Credit: David Gillespie