Merseyside charity Autism Together has launched its Pet Photo Competition, which is open to all pets, with three entry categories and the chance to win up to £55 in shopping vouchers!
The competition is part of the build-up to the charity’s annual Summer Fun Day, which this year will again be virtual and held entirely online.
This year the Bromborough-based charity, which supports over 400 autistic adults, is looking to raise money to install an external defibrillator at its Port Sunlight River Park site – an item which could save the lives of autistic people working at the park, the charity’s staff, volunteers, supporters or the general public who enjoy the site daily.

Chloe Jones, Fundraising Officer at Autism Together, has organised this year’s Pet Photo Competition, and said:
“We’re asking the public to enter photos of their cute, furry, scaly or feathered friends into the competition and help support our fundraising too.
“Our Pet Photo Competition has 3 separate categories and you’re welcome to enter into them all if you wish, with an additional Best in Show award up for grabs!
“We are looking for a minimum donation of £3 per photo entry, but anything you can spare will really help.
“The categories are Proud Pet, Sleeping Pet, and Pet On An Adventure. So lots of scope for you to enter a winning image.
“Our overall fundraising target is £1,500 – so every entry will make a big difference and take us one step closer to our goal.”
Entries should be uploaded and donations made via the competition webpage only:

The person submitting the wining image in each category will receive £40 worth of shopping vouchers, while the Best In Show winner will get the main prize of shopping vouchers worth £55.
The judging panel will be made up of Autism Together staff, some of the people the charity supports, plus the head judge Michael Voice who is President of Bebington Photographic Society.
Photo entries open on Monday, 12th July, and will close at the end of Tuesday, 20th July. Shortlisted entries will be uploaded to Autism Together’s Facebook page ( on Wednesday, 21st July with the winners announced LIVE on Facebook during the charity’s Virtual Summer Fun Day on Sunday, 25th July.
For more information about Autism Together and news of the event, visit the charity’s website: or its Facebook page: