As the saying goes ‘a picture speaks a thousand words..’ and them words couldn’t be any truer in these unprecedented times.
With government guidelines keeping us safe, it is with heavy hearts we stay at home and protect our loved ones. Missing family and friends is an unwanted stress at this current time and seeing your nearest and dearest seems a distance memory.
Bringing a simply beautiful idea to local families as well as raising funds in the process, Gareth Jones a photographer from Southport is giving families the opportunity to have their pictures taken which can then be shared digitally with loved ones.

Gareth said:
“So I have been at home with my children for the past four weeks and I haven’t picked up my camera in that time.
It got me thinking….We miss seeing our family and friends my children miss seeing their grandparents. Everyone else must feel the same.
I will arrange to come to your garden gate and photograph your little family at your front door or I can photograph your grandparents at their front door. I will share those images digitally with you so you can then share them with your loved ones”.
Gareth takes images of families from their front garden, sticking to the minimum of 2 metres away social distancing (keeping both himself and families safe).
As Gareth is from Southport, he is currently keeping it to this area at this time but is open to taking it further afield if the concept takes off.
If you would like your picture taken, private message Gareth and he will arrange to come to your garden gate and photograph your little family at your front door or he can photograph your grandparents at their front door.
You can if you wish, donate something if anything to Queenscourt Hospice or the NHS Charities.
At a time where every day is like the unknown, this thoughtful idea is sure to put a smile upon your loved ones faces.
If you wish to arrange a photograph visit
To make a donation visit
Please visit Gareth’s website at