The team at Red Brick Market recently announced the newest addition to their fabulous community of local small businesses – an innovative new retail space – NHShop!
Red Brick Market, housed in the ever popular Cains Brewery Village in Liverpool’s vibrant Baltic Triangle, has just celebrated its second birthday. However, being closed due to the lockdown restrictions gave them no chance to celebrate. Instead, the team used the time to come up with a great plan to say thank you to those working tirelessly during these difficult times.
NHShop will be stocking, carefully selected, new and pre-loved clothing and home wares and every penny made from sales, will go directly back to NHS charities.

Since the temporary closure of Red Brick Market in March, the Red Brick team have been busy thinking of ways to help the community during these difficult times.
Red Brick owner, Chris Day said:
“To house NHShop here, within the walls of Red Brick, seemed like the least we could do. Our aim is to say a huge thank you to all the NHS frontline staff and other key workers, who have been working on behalf of us all during this time. We hope that returning customers and those that haven’t visited us before, will help us to say thank you by supporting the new NHShop.”
Obviously, with Red Brick still being closed at the moment, no launch date has yet been announced, but as soon as those doors reopen to the public, expect a warm welcome and an exciting new retail space – NHShop, alongside the 50+ existing small businesses that make up the wonderful Red Brick Market community!
When restrictions lift, Red Brick Market and the new NHShop, will be open 7 days a week from 10am.
In the meantime, many of the existing Red Brick Market small businesses are available online – see Red Brick Market Facebook/Instagram pages for details.
Find Red Brick Market within Cains Brewery Village, Stanhope Street, Liverpool L8 5XJ
For further updates follow: Instagram @nhshop_red_brick_market and Facebook @nhshop2020