It’s November! Time for wrapping up warm, toffee apples, sparklers and a shed load of fireworks lighting up the sky for bonfire night in Liverpool.
If you’re looking for plans for this Bonfire Night, then look no further. Here are some of the many places in the Liverpool City Region celebrating the infamous Guy Fawkes.

Bonfire Night & Fireworks
Prescot & Odyssey Cricket Club located in St Helens will be hosting their annual Bonfire Night Fireworks event on Friday 4th November.
Very limited Car Parking available – £5.00 per car bookable in advance. Please do not turn up in your car unless you have pre-paid.
Due to limited parking, people are encouraged to come on foot if possible. Due to access restrictions, once down the drive exit will be restricted until after the fireworks so taxi drop off must be at the end of the driveway.
Tickets are priced at £6.00 per adult, £4.00 children (up to 16 years) and Family Ticket £15 (2 adults with max 2 children)
Bonfire lit at 6:45 pm, fireworks will be on display from 7:30pm. Bar open all night, food available for purchase.
A small children’s ride will be available along with a hook a duck and candy floss stall.
Location: Prescot & Odysessy Cricket Club, Burrows Lane, Eccleston, St Helens L34 6JQ
Date: Friday 4th November 2022
Time: 6.00pm-11.00pm
Annual Spectacular Fireworks Display
Come along to Southport Rugby Football Club’s fireworks extravaganza.
The premier Fireworks Display in the northwest with lots on offer for all the family.
Gates will open at 6pm with food available from the Club Kitchen and outdoor BBQ.
Bouncy Castles, Sweet Stall, Ice Cream (additional charges apply)
Bar will be open throughout the event with live music after the fireworks.
Tickets are priced from adult £7, u16 £6, u13 £5 (Additional fees may apply)
Location: Southport Rugby Football Club, Waterloo Road, Southport PR8 4QW
Date: Friday 4th November 2022
Time: 6.00pm-11.00pm
Bonfire Night Fireworks Display
Celebrate Bonfire Night at Future Yard’s Garden Party this November!
With live music from The Shipbuilders, Nikki & The Waves, and special guests Ko Shin Moon.
Fireworks display at 7.30pm, soundtracked by a special DJ set.
Doors open at 5pm, live performances before and after the fireworks display.
Tickets are priced at £5.50 per person, under 16s must be accompanied by an adult.
Location: Future Yard, 75 Argyle Street, Birkenhead CH41 6AB
Date: Saturday 5th November 2022
Time: from 5.00pm
Annual Fireworks Display and Bonfire
The Hightown Cricket Club are holding their annual Fireworks Display and Bonfire on Saturday 5th November.
Local magician Andy Green will entertain the children from 6-7pm in the clubhouse.
The bonfire will be lit at 7.15pm and fireworks will light up the night sky at 7.30pm.
There will be hot and cold food available in the clubhouse, with a BBQ and ice cream van outside. The bar will also be open for thirsty parents.
Please note there will be no parking in the main club car park (except for disabled parking), with limited parking on the Hightown Junior Football field on Sandy Lane (our stewards will guide you).
All local residents are encouraged to walk or use public transport where possible.
Location: Hightown Cricket Club, Thirlmere Road, Hightown, Liverpool L38 3RQ
Date: Saturday 5th November 2022
Time: 6.00pm-8.00pm
Trinity St Peter’s Community Firework Display
Trinity St Peter’s C of E Primary School will be bringing tons of bonfire fun with their community firework display this November.
There will be face paints, children’s games, tuck shop, hot drinks, waffles, cakes, BBQ and bar, with all proceeds going to TSP school.
Tickets are priced at £6.00 per person, under 2s go FREE. 50+ tickets available.
Location: Trinity St Peter’s C of E Primary School, Paradise Lane, Formby L37 7EJ
Date: Thursday 3rd November 2022
Time: 4.30pm-7.00pm
Fireworks Spectacular and Bonfire Party
Formby Scouts of St. Peter’s Church in Formby offer their Fireworks Spectacular and Bonfire Party with a bang!
Formby Scouts at The Paddock on Cricket Path. The gates open at 6pm, the fire is lit at 6:30pm and the fireworks start at 7:30pm.
This display is on every year and is very popular. This display goes on even if it is raining. There are refreshments offered and a fantastic bonfire and brilliant fireworks.
Adults £3.00 – Children £2.00 – Family £10.00
Please DO NOT park in the Cricket Club car park. CASH ONLY!
Location: Formby Cricket Club, Cricket Path, Formby, Liverpool L37 7DP
Date: Saturday 5th November 2022
Time: from 6.00pm